Mental Health Partnerships

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Tools to Have in Your Toolkit When Supporting a Loved One Through Cancer

by Brittany O’Neill, Direct of Advocacy and External Affairs, Mental Health Partnerships

Breast cancer is a challenging journey not just for the person diagnosed but also for their friends and family. 

As a daughter who lost their mother to cancer, I understand the importance of having the right tools in your toolkit when providing support. Here, we'll explore five essential tools to help you be a source of strength and comfort for your friend or family member facing breast cancer.

1. Empathy and Active Listening:

One of the most powerful tools you can offer is empathy. Put yourself in their shoes, and actively listen to their feelings and concerns. Avoid offering solutions or minimizing their emotions. Sometimes, just having someone who genuinely listens can provide immense relief. Remember, it's okay not to have all the answers; your presence and understanding can make a world of difference.

2. Education and Information:

Knowledge is empowering, and educating yourself about breast cancer can be a valuable tool. Learn about the different stages, treatment options, and potential side effects. This knowledge will not only help you understand what your loved one is going through but also allow you to ask informed questions during medical appointments and provide emotional support.

3. Patience and Flexibility:

Breast cancer treatment can be unpredictable, and emotional ups and downs are common. Be patient with your loved one's changing needs and emotions. Offer your support without judgment, and be flexible in adapting to their evolving circumstances. Your consistent presence can provide a sense of stability during a turbulent time.

4. Self-Care:

Supporting a loved one through breast cancer can be emotionally taxing. Remember to take care of yourself as well. Prioritize self-care to recharge your emotional batteries. Seek support from friends, support groups, or a therapist when needed. You can't pour from an empty cup, so ensure your own well-being to continue being a strong support system.

5. Encouragement and Positivity:

Maintain a positive and hopeful outlook. Encourage your loved one to stay engaged in activities they enjoy, when possible. Celebrate small victories and milestones in their treatment journey. Your optimism can help inspire resilience and a sense of normalcy during a challenging time.

Supporting a friend or family member through breast cancer is a journey that requires empathy, knowledge, flexibility, self-care, and unwavering encouragement. I encourage you to embrace these tools in your toolkit. By doing so, you can provide invaluable support and make a positive impact on their journey toward healing and recovery. Remember, you're not alone in this; there are resources and communities available to help you navigate this challenging path together.